Das Prinzip ist mir klar: (y 2 -y 1) / (x 2 -x 1) = (y-y 1) / (x-x 1)Step 2: Perform multiple linear regression. 2. . So if you have 2-d table, you can find out which formula fits. Firstly, we could just use simple mathematics. 01467487 is the regression coefficient (the a value) and -3. METHOD OF QUADRATIC INTERPOLATION KELLER VANDEBOGERT 1. Locate where 12 bar a (A) would be. However, F8=8, which is an intermediate value not contained in column B. Numerics. ‘index’, ‘values’: use the actual numerical values of the index. Nearest-neighbor interpolation (also known as proximal interpolation or, in some contexts, point sampling) is a simple method of multivariate. Use the Life Expectancy table below to answer the questions. This is used to determine or estimate a future value based on previous values; the predicted value is a y-value for a given x-value. Note: the array constant {9;4;6;5} is used as an argument for the SUMPRODUCT function, giving a result of 24. Origin offers an easy-to-use interface for beginners, combined with the ability to perform advanced customization as you become more familiar with the application. So we use MATCH to find the first number that is equal or higher to what we're looking for. 3. The calculation of IRR with linear interpolation would require a three-step approach. ”. Interpolation has many usage, in Machine Learning we often deal with missing data in a dataset, interpolation is often used to substitute those values. 1 Linear Interpolation Property tables such as steam tables are tabulated at discrete values of the specific properties. . y = y 1 + (x-x 1)(y 2-y 1)/(x 2-x 1). In Getting value on Y axis by putting X axis value on the Mr Excel forum, someone wanted to know how to find in-between values of a function, given some known data points. Using the earnings data for January 2019, we can predict the expenses for the. If not specified, x is taken to be the indices of y (1:length (y)). Step 1: Create the Dataset. Even with only six equally spaced points, the interpolant shows an unnatural-looking amount of variation (overshoots, wiggles, etc. Linear Interpolation. Introduction to the Excel Template. "pchip" Vous pouvez utiliser les fonctions SLOPE et INTERCEPT dans Excel pour l'interpolation linéaire de la valeur Y. h. Ceci ne semble pas permis par la fonction PREVISION. Zur Zeit verwende ich die Akima-Interp-Routine, um die 2d-lineare Interpolation durchzuführen. Compute answers using Wolfram's breakthrough technology & knowledgebase, relied on by millions of students & professionals. 6. The results always pass through the original sampling of the function. Now let's get into the math behind them. The FDIST function — with the syntax FDIST (F,v1,v2) — will return the probability of a higher F value occurring by chance. When using excel for bringing this data into percentiles, 0-times responses cover the 10th, 20th and even the. The choice of a specific interpolation routine. Define a vector of x values for which you want to interpolate the curve. The TREND Function [1] is an Excel Statistical function that will calculate the linear trend line to the arrays of known y and known x. The One-liner. I take no responsibility if you wrongly use this for when you are not supposed to. Bei der Interpolation wird ein unbekannter Wert einer Funktion zwischen zwei bekannten Werten geschätzt. If you have multiple sets of data that are sampled at the same point. If you haven’t already install the Solver in Excel, use the following steps to do so: Click File. There are some other methods, such as the linear interpolation and the linear extrapolation. pyplot as plt. The first step to performing linear interpolation with this method is to create a chart with all of your data to optimize your organization and ensure accuracy in your calculation. vq = interp1 (x,v,xq) returns interpolated values of a 1-D function at specific query points using linear interpolation. CubicSpline. Excel interpolation with a few cells of same values in consecutive order. Um eine lineare Interpolation in Excel durchzuführen, brauchst du folgende Formel: = (Ende–Anfang)/ (ZEILE (Ende)-ZEILE (Anfang)) „ Anfang “ und „ Ende “ beziehen sich auf den ersten und den letzten Wert deiner Wertmenge. Next, select all the air velocity numbers (cells D7-L15) and name them “zvalues”. Linear interpolation assumes that the unknown rate (R. Trendline equation is a formula that finds a line that best fits the data points. We will hence define the function exp_fit () which return the exponential function, y, previously defined. Rows. LINEST function. e. 4 Answers. Linear Interpolation in Excel: Step-by-Step Example. g(x) = gi(x), for xi ≤ x ≤ xi+1 g ( x) = g i ( x), for x i ≤ x. To make the above LinearInterpolation function available in excel like other functions, you need to carry out the following steps:. L'interpolation doit être réalisée entre deux valeurs uniquement et non pas sur l'ensemble de la plage de données. Let’s discuss the procedure below. Step 1: Firstly, identify the independent and dependent variables for the function. ft = fittype ( 'b*x^2+c*x+a' ); Get the coefficient names and order using the coeffnames function. Use linear interpolation to estimate the life expectancy of a person born. dynamic select in VBA-excel. . interpolate is a convenient method to create a function based on fixed data points, which can be evaluated anywhere within the domain defined by the given data using linear interpolation. Area Of Segment Formula. 1. Gehen Sie wie folgt vor, um eine Beispielformel für lineare Interpolation zu erstellen: Geben Sie die folgenden Werte in ein Arbeitsblatt ein:9. k. Pi is the predicted value for the ith observation in the dataset. It finds the unknown values in the table. R-Squared (R² or the coefficient of determination) is a statistical measure in a regression model that determines the proportion of variance in the dependent variable that can be explained by the independent variable. Go to the Data tab > Forecast group and click the Forecast Sheet. If you don’t see this option, then you need to first install the free Analysis ToolPak. linear interpolation was 5:43 10 6, and therefore we want the same to be true of quadratic interpolation. 2. Count If nR < 2 Then Exit Function If x < rX (1) Then ' x < xmin, extrapolate l1. Call the value that comes after A2. This custom 2-dimensional linear interpolation function, =Linterp () *, accepts 3 arguments: =Linterp (KnownYs, KnownXs, NewX) The order of the arguments is the same as in the Excel worksheet function =TREND (). Back to top. This is the lower. 000. Get the linear interpolation formula with solved examples at BYJU'S. n) lies on the line (AC) between the two known rates. Examples of Interpolate in Excel; Introduction to Interpolate in Excel. Surface Area Of A Triangular Prism Formula. There are various ways to interpolate: spline, polynomial, linear and so on. 1) Der Beiwert n gibt die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit an, d. Steps: At first, choose the range of data ( B4:C12 ). After entering all of the required values, the linear interpolation calculator automatically generates for you the values of m and b given the formula slope intercept form: y = mx + b. Here, we’ll restrict the explanation to the point of view of Mathematics. Interpolation. To do this, click on Chart Design > Select Data. V contains the corresponding function values at each sample point. . Since 1 < x < 2 1 < x < 2, we use the second and third data points to compute the linear interpolation. So here, “4” is the day, and “2” is the growth inches of the paddy. Given an X vector, this function interpolates a vector Y based on the input curve (XY Range). Interpolate between 3D plane and 3D hemisphere. Regression analysis is a statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables. T @ x) @ x. Call the value that comes before A1. X and Y contain the coordinates of the sample points. . tutorial for linear interpolation in Microsoft excelexcel formula: =FORECAST(B17,OFFSET(KnownY,MATCH(B17,KnownX,1)-1,0,2),OFFSET(KnownX,MATCH(B17,KnownX,1)-. You can express trends in visual data by extrapolating a graph by a trendline. It takes two arrays of data to interpolate, x, and y, and a third array, xnew, of points to evaluate the interpolation on: >>> The basic idea then follows these steps: Find the indices of the values in x_values which define an interval containing x. Given two known values (x 1, y 1) and (x 2, y 2), we can estimate the y-value for some point x by using the following formula:. Select ‘Linear Trendline’ and ‘Display Equation on Chart’ in the. I need to interpolate this data between x and y. Furthermore, scroll down and check the option ‘ Display Equation on chart ’. Step 2: Fill the formula with the desired values. The Linear Interpolation Formula is given by the equation: y = y1 + ( (x – x1) * (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1)) where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of two neighboring data points, and x is the specific point at which the value of y needs to be estimated. 2. Click Solver Add-In, then click Go. Percentile IF in table. You can use Excel to project values that are based on existing data or to automatically generate values based on linear or growth trend calculations. Cette vidéo concerne l'interpolation et extrapolation linéaire sur Excel. There's an option for it in the Insert tab, but I can't press it for whatever reason. So, let us apply the values to the above formula. Für die Interpolation werden der letzte gültige Wert vor dem fehlenden Wert und der erste gültige Wert nach dem fehlenden Wert verwendet. Next, click anywhere on the scatterplot. Find coordinates of a 2D plane within a 3D plane. Typically, this involves providing the x and y values for two points, i. Interpolation assumes that the change between two values is linear and that the margin of error is insignificant. Wolfram Engine. An meine Tutanten: Die Excel-Mappe befindet sich auf Moodle. Interpolation. [1] Given a set of n + 1 data points , with no two the same, a polynomial function is said to interpolate the data if for each . Linear interpolation in Excel means forecasting or guessing the next value of any certain variable given on the current data. These values need to be in increasing order. Behandelt werden Gaußverwandte Verfahren zur Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme, Iterationsverfahren zur Lösung nicht linearer Gleichungen und Newton- sowie Gradientenverfahren zur Lösung nicht linearer Gleichungssysteme. Login. Log InorSign Up ***** 1. The FORECAST worksheet function can be used to do an extrapolation of future data points based on a linear regression of existing data. =INTERCEPTERy_connus, x_connus. Both words are frequently used in fields like banking, sports, literature, and law, among others. First, highlight all of the values in column B and drag them to column C. Let's start with the simpler version, linear interpolation. This is the beginning of a series of 20 tutorial videos I'm doing for an Honors class in college. Methods. Step 04: Use the Function for Interpolation. X1 and Y1 are "real" data points, so are X2 and Y2. Save Copy. 9057602. 1 (added preface) 4. The interp1d class in scipy. 2. Linear Interpolation in Excel Things to Remember Here Recommended Articles Example of Data Interpolation in Excel To understand the concept of data interpolation in. This technique originates from Numerical Analysis, which estimates unknown values by assuming linear relation within a range of data points, unlike linear extrapolation, which estimates data outside the range of the provided data points. interp1q returns NaN for any values of xi that lie outside the coordinates in x. Lookup table. There are two primary methods for using linear interpolation in Excel. Double Interpolation is very familiar to Engineers who are using it for every Design ProblemsThose who want to do Double Interpolate in excel this Video will. ”. x_mesh = np. Trilinear interpolation is a method of multivariate interpolation on a 3-dimensional regular grid. For example, look up the price of an automotive part by the part number, or find an employee name based on their employee ID. com Linear Interpolation in Excel. Each method is quite easy. Step 2: Fit a Multiple Linear Regression Model. Flexible Data Ingestion. 4. Wolfram Cloud. I hope you enjoy. The fourth argument is optional, and it tells MATLAB which method of interpolation is to be used. Formula interpolazione lineare su Microsoft Excel. In the dropdown menu, click the arrow next to Trendline and then click More Options: In the window that appears to the right, click the button next to Polynomial. Essentially, interpolation is a method of creating new data points within the range of a set of known data points. 1. Interpolation in Excel based on Splines and Natural Neighbor Algorithm 2D (Curve) Interpolation Use INTERPXY to: Interpolate from a set of (x,y) data points. linspace (0, 4, num=16) yinterp = np. Let’s discuss the. K - 2. In dieser PDF-Datei finden Sie die Dokumentation der Bibliothek, einschließlich der Beschreibung der linearen Interpolation (LINEAR_INT) und anderer mathematischer Funktionen. While many people can interpolate on an intuitive basis, the article below shows the formalized mathematical approach behind the intuition. Two terms that students often confuse in statistics are interpolation and extrapolation. T @ y. 1 of 2 Go to page. ’. Vector xq contains the coordinates of the query points. Applying FORECAST Function for Exponential Interpolation in Excel. ”. "linear" (default) Linear interpolation from nearest neighbors. Dynamische Interpolation - Excel, Interpolation. , X1 & Y1. Angenommen, wir haben den folgenden Datensatz in Excel: Wenn wir ein schnelles Diagramm der Daten erstellen würden, würde es so aussehen: Cette vidéo concerne l'interpolation et extrapolation linéaire sur Excel. Free Linear Approximation calculator - lineary approximate functions at given points step-by-step. Explore Popular Topics Like Government, Sports, Medicine, Fintech, Food, More. We use the =OFFSET () and =MATCH () functions to select only a pair of points. . This is the default interpolation typically used when plotting data. If you know the actual equation, you can directly calculate any intermediate values you want. InterpolatePchipSorted instead, which is. It allows you to do linear or spline interpolation for a general curve in n-dimensions. Key words: interpolate, interpolation, graph, data set points, INTERPXYThis video demonstrates how to use the function INTERPXY() to interpolate on a graph g. Here are the steps to follow for this online tool: First, enter the values of x1 and y1. Here’s a description of what you need to know about each of these arguments: Argument. Then click the + sign in the top right corner. Choose the Scatter chart type and select the scatterplot. To use an interpolation function, click on the fx button on the formula bar, select the XonGrid 4 interpolation category, select a function then enter your data. In this post, I’ll. c. =IFERROR(FORECAST. Serialisieren Sie das Objekt, bewahren Sie die. 0. FORECAST. The general expression for the trilinear interpolation is given in Eq. 0. This uses Excel Forecast function FORECAST. This is the beginning of a series of 20 tutorial videos I'm doing for an Honors class in college. bas and an example spreadheet is also provided. interp (x_mesh, x, y) zinterp = np. TREND function uses the “Least square method to find the line of best fit and to find new y-value for the given x-values. Basically, the Excel formula is simple: =_X1+ (_X2 – _X1)* (Y – _Y1)/ (_Y2 – _Y1) Linear Interpolation [/captionThis formula can be written in a more familiar style, the relationship between the known points ( X1,Y1) and ( X2,Y2) and unknown location of X, Y is: For the below data table, the problem is that finding the _X1, _X2 and. Suppose we are given earnings data below, which are the known x’s, and expenses, which are the known y’s. In order to do that you need to: select the cell that contains your formula: extend the selection the left 2 spaces (you need the select to be at least 3 cells wide): press F2. If y is a matrix or an N-dimensional array, the interpolation is performed on each column of y . Interpolation is a method for generating points between given points. This is the only method supported on MultiIndexes. This will work on Excel 2007, but =FORECAST. Unter dem nachfolgenden Link kannst Du die kostenlose Excel-Vorlage für die lineare Interpolation herunterladen. For example, you have data on the number of social media followers and know the followers count in week 1 and week 3. We can add another series to highlight the input data points. These are the a and b values we were looking for in the linear function formula. The scoring data is also called the "query data. Next, let’s create a scatter plot to check if the data follows a linear trend. The formula used is below, remind to delete all new lines if you copy and paste it. Use the INTERCEPT function to calculate the value of a dependent variable when. Rows. A 1-D array of real values. The FORECAST function, which can be used in Excel to perform linear interpolation, is =FORECAST (x,known_ys,known_xs). Converting Data to a Table. Follow these steps to learn how to do it. Interpolate input data to determine the value of yi at the points xi. y=a. eɪ / BEH. For an arbitrary, unstructured mesh (as used in finite element analysis), other methods of interpolation. To plot the above data in a scatter plot in Excel: Select the data. The interpolation method is one of: "nearest" Return the nearest neighbor. The formula for linear interpolation is y = y 1 + ( x − x 1) ( y 2 − y 1) ( x 2 − x 1) Linear interpolation can also be used to find the median, 1 st quartile and 3 rd quartile. To get annual interest rate, we multiply the monthly rate by 12. This template allows you to quickly perform a linear interpolation (and extrapolation) between a flexible data set, up to a maximum of 50 sample data points (rows). Code: Function interpsigma (lowsigma As Double, lowsigma2 As Double, highsigma As Double, highsigma2 As Double, lowvol As Double, lowvol2 As Double, highvol As Double, highvol2 As Double, sigmas As Range, vols As Range, targetsigma As Double) If targetsigma = lowsigma Then interpsigma = lowvol ElseIf. Google Classroom. L'interpolation linéaire est un procédé mathématique qui permet d'estimer une valeur en calculant la moyenne de deux valeurs environnantes connues. What if you are working with x-, y- and z-values, where x and y are independent. Angenommen, wir haben den folgenden Datensatz in Excel: Wenn wir ein schnelles Diagramm der Daten erstellen würden, würde es so aussehen: Nehmen wir nun an, wir möchten den y-Wert ermitteln, der einem neuen x-Wert von 13 zugeordnet ist. Example 1: Matlab. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Not only will I show you how to p. You would need two steps of interpolation. Linear interpolation is the process of estimating an unknown value of a function between two known values. As of 2017, some of the functions, such as SLOPE and INTERCEPT, exist in the latter but not in the former. b. Xq and Yq contain the. Do Interpolation of Non-Linear 2D Data in Excel. Perform the calculation: Hit the calculate button, and the calculator will use the interpolation formula to estimate the y value at the specified x. In Excel, we use a FORECAST function and a LOOKUP function to do a linear interpolation. So if you have 2-d table, you can find out which formula fits best your data, using Excel's "trend line" feature. It is easy to perform interpolation of non-linear 2D data in Excel. example. ; GSL has a polynomial interpolation code in C; SO has a MATLAB example that demonstrates the algorithm and recreates the first image in this article; Lagrange Method of Interpolation — Notes, PPT,. The x-coordinates of the data points, must be. It is a method of curve fitting by using linear polynomials to plot new data points which lie in the range of a discrete set of known data points. Step One: Create Your Chart. This is the linear interpolation function: Y=Y1+ (X-X1)x (Y2-Y1)/ (X2-X1)4) Interpolation: Interpolation techniques estimate the missing values by assuming a relationship within a range of data points. interp routine. If you want to interpolate within a small range of the dataset, you can use the XLOOKUP function to extract the coordinates in the range and interpolate a value within them. " Interpolation requires a model. Nächster Nachbar gehört zum FAULEN Lernen, weil wir die Eingabedaten nicht "k. . First, the value of x will go, then add the y-axis values and finally add x-axis values in the formula and click Enter. in this tutorial, I explained Linear interpolation by ms excel, and you will be familiar to make an excel sheet to perform interpolation#Linear_Interpolation. Plot the two sets of sample values against the sample points. Verify the result using scipy’s function interp1d. The interpolation method is one of: "nearest". I think the Fed Reserve publish their daily yield curve off of the second kind. Interpolate input data to determine the value of yi at the points xi. 1. 5. Interpolation is a method of estimating and constructing new data points from a discrete set of known data points. " Interpolation requires a model. The functions (f_i(x)) do not have to be linear in (x) at all to work with linear regression, as long as the resulting function (y(x)) remains linear in the parameters (p_i). Introduction to the Excel Template. LINEAR (x, known_y's, known_x's) to calculate the interpolated value. If selected, interpolation is performed using apparent values when the axes scale type has been changed (from linear to log10, for instance). INTERPXY is a versatile 2D interpolation function based on splines. So if I understand you correctly you just want to interpolate in 3D. However in some cases, I will need to interpolate a y value based on a given x value, while in other cases I will need to interpolate an x value for a. which is 20000 + 0. Bei der Interpolation wird angenommen, dass die Änderung zwischen zwei Werten linear verläuft und dass die Fehlerspanne unbedeutend ist. Then, theBelow is a close-up of an interpolated data point. 53. We can mea-sure the length of the intervals a and b (simply by using a ruler). Edition Number 3. The strategy for linear interpolation is to use a straight. Linear interpolation assumes that there is a linear relationship between the coordinates of points in the interval between two known points. Firstly, we can simply input the basic mathematical formula of linear interpolation in Excel to get the result. ”. It can be considered as “filling in the gaps” of a table of data. Dr. inv (x. FORECAST expects a data range, so we use OFFSET to create a reference to a data range. More precisely, If we want to find coordinates of a point between two given points, then we use the linear interpolationThis tutorial will demonstrate how to change the line connection in a graph to interpolate data, use the Interpolate gadget, and interpolate and find Y value. The y -coordinate of the ball between those frames is determined by linear interpolation. For math, science, nutrition, history. In this example, df = 6 (cell B18) and F = 459. Of course, this is a little gimmicky. 7). Steps: Lineare Interpolation. , time) and another for the dependent variable (e. You won't see curly braces. Pour plus de contenu, je vous invite à consulter le site: are the steps for performing linear interpolation in Excel using the mathematic formula: 1. e. Interpolation as used here is different to "smoothing", the techniques discussed here have the characteristic that the estimated curve passes through all the given points. . Linear interpolation is used to find an unknown value of a function between any two known points. INTERPXY automatically. Extrapolation Formula. We can use the FORECAST. [b,bint] = regress (y,X) also returns a matrix bint of 95% confidence. (9. And the second interpolates between z data. Vector x contains the sample points, and v contains the corresponding values, v ( x ). The following example shows how perform linear interpolation in R. Along the top ribbon in Excel, go to the Data tab and click on Data Analysis. In this method, we will use a mathematical formula to calculate logarithmic interpolation in Excel. Here, we create a straight line that connects two values and estimates the future value. Query points, specified as a column vector. =B2+ (A4-A2)* (B3-B2)/ (A3-A2) In the above example, the formula’s last section, highlighted in red, calculates how much time taken changes whenever the speed of the bike changes by 1. The formula of linear interpolation is given by-Linear Interpolation (y) = y 1 + [(x-x 1) × (y 2-y 1)]/ (x 2-x 1)example. The goal of interpolation is to produce a new Y value for each value of t i. You can conduct regression analysis using the library of linear and nonlinear models provided or. When we click OK, Excel consequently fills in the. And the preferred end result will seem withinside the corresponding cell – in our example, that is the number 2, a hundred, i. example. LINEAR formula to the cell where you want to add the interpolated value. Because on-the-run treasuries are limited to specific maturities, the yield of maturities that lies. L'interpolazione è una tecnica per aggiungere nuovi punti di dati all'interno di un intervallo di un insieme di punti di dati noti. 2, a hundred units of the products might be manufactured in three hours 15 mins the use of the extrapolation approach. % sample data points. Series E-ISSN 2532-1668. See Interior-Point-Legacy Linear Programming. Session Length is associated with. Now let's get into the math behind them. 0. I've been tinkering around with Excel for a school assignment for a few days and I just can't figure out how to interpolate a y value in order to find an x value. If you don't, you interpolate using an approximation. Mathematik- und Informatikvideos von Prof. First,. Pour plus de contenu, je vous invite à consulter le site: Option Explicit Function Linterp2 (rX As Range, rY As Range, x As Double) As Double ' linear interpolator / extrapolator ' R is a two-column range containing known x, known y Dim lR As Long, l1 As Long, l2 As Long Dim nR As Long 'If x = 1. , the X and Y values move directly in sync with each other). Apparent Interpolation Available only when the interpolation is performed on a graph. The FORECAST worksheet function can be used to do an extrapolation of future data points based on a linear regression of existing data. In this case first of all, you need to find closest larger and closest lower x values: Lower x: =MAX (IF (B1:L1<B5,B1:L1)) Larger x: =MIN (IF (B1:L1>B5,B1:L1)) Now need to find corresponding y's with HLOOKUP. Formula of Linear Interpolation. A new window will pop up with the option to specify a trendline. 5 x = 1. 0. 2 Trilinear interpolation The trilinear equation is derived by applying the linear interpolation seven times (see Fig. Its most common methods, initially developed for scatterplot. Thanks for your help, Sven. In general, an interpolant need not be a good approximation, but there are well known and often reasonable conditions where it will. We construct the function g(x) g ( x) out of n n local linear polynomials. 100 - 102. , x and y) using repeated linear interpolation. In other words, LARGE can retrieve the "nth largest" value. You will now see your 3 regression constants: y = -0. The Excel FORECAST function predicts a value based on existing values along a linear trend. Step 1: Add the FORECAST. Just read the context to get the basic insight about how to do interpolation, its formula, and. Spacing of perspective points. Yield Curve Extrapolation Methods Methodologies for Valuing Liability Cash Flows That Extend Beyond the Maximum Yield Curve March 2019Example: Calculating R-Squared in Excel. But if they are not, we could have a slightly skewed result. Weighted average in 3D, with a triangle that has three z-coords of zero. Select the chart to see two new tabs in the ribbon, “Design” and “Format. What Is Linear Interpolation in Excel? Interpolation is a method of finding a value from known values. Weitere Informationen. The formulas are: A3: =MATCH (A2,A6:A18) Um eine lineare Interpolation in Excel durchzuführen, brauchst du folgende Formel: = (Ende–Anfang)/ (ZEILE (Ende)-ZEILE (Anfang)) „ Anfang “ und „ Ende “ beziehen sich auf den ersten und den letzten Wert deiner Wertmenge. . Use INTERPXY to interpolate from a set of (x,y) data points at an arbitrary point. A Level Maths revision tutorial video. 625 we increase the Y value by, we increase the X value by 1. Plot the data points and the interpolated curve. Create a radial distribution of points spaced 10 degrees apart around 10 concentric circles. Perform Interpolation of Linear 2D Data in Excel 1.